How Much Will It Cost?

“You can phone or email me for my opinion anytime FREE”

I can tell you :

A. If you have a real prospect of putting forward a defence or a counter claim or right of set off to have the statutory demand set aside.
B. If you have no real prospect of putting forward a defence to dispute the demand, I will give you alternative suggestions on how to respond to the demand (I always try and help you).

Many statutory demands sent out are an abuse of the system and can be sorted by just phoning me for advice and help.
If I identify that you have a Defence,I will tell you that you have a Defence and I will discuss the best way forward for you.

“We have a 80% success rate in having the demand withdrawn prior going to court”

(Prior to any court action we will try to negotiate with your creditor and give them the opportunity to withdraw the Statutory Demand on the grounds that you have a reasonable defence. If the other side agrees to withdraw the demand without going to court then the demand is cancelled. Fantastic news for you. We are unable to recover our costs from the creditor if the demand is withdrawn as no application for a court hearing has been submitted, so you would be asked to pay this cost in advance on a “Fixed Fee“.

We do not charge you for looking at your case.
If you do not have a strong defence you will be given the reasons why.
If you have a defence and wish to instruct us, then and only then do you pay a fee.

Our First Stage “Fixed Fees”

Our Fixed Fee is £395 for preparing your legal Defence, submitting it to the creditor or creditors solicitor and responding to their replies.
If the demand is Withdrawn (80% are) then that’s the end of that Demand and our involvement. You cannot claim back this fee from the creditor as this requires a court hearing.


Solicitor “Private Client Retainer”

If the Demand is not withdrawn you will have to apply to the Court to have the demand Set Aside/or to get an Injunction.
If that happens our solicitors will run your case on a No Win No Fee. (subject to acceptance)
We will prepare all the court documents .
You do not need to visit us as everything can be done over the phone and email. But you would be more than welcome to visit us at any time

Court Costs

If you are an Individual there is no Court fee
If you are a Limited company there is a Court fee for the Injunction application of £280.
Our solicitor would arrange for a Barrister to represent you at a court hearing. The barrister will not work on a no win no fee our solicitor will explain the cost. (You are not required to attend court)
If you are an individual and the Statutory Demand is Set Aside at Court you will be able to claim back your legal costs from the creditor
If you are a Company and you get an Injunction at Court you will be able to claim your legal costs from the creditor

Late Application Court Fee If you submit an application to the Court out of time you will be charged a late application fee of £155.